Readville [BCF]
Feb. 25,1863Dear Effie,
I got your Sunday’s letter last night. I have not seen Colonel Lowell since, but will deliver your message at first opportunity. We have forty Darks out here now, and expect some more from New York and New Bedford in a day or two. When I hear from Providence, Fortress Monroe, and Canada, I shall be able to tell how rapidly the regiment will be likely to fill up. I am not staying out here yet, but shall probably take up my quarters here, in ten days or a fortnight.
Loulie has shown me several of Nellie’s letters. What good ones she writes. I am sorry you don’t see anything of Annie. I shall try to go on to New York on the 6th of March, and spend Saturday and Sunday at Susie’s. I spent last Sunday at Milton Hill with Henry Higginson and Charles Lowell. Monday evening, there was a small party at Clover Hooper’s, where I had a very pleasant time indeed, with Miss Ida, Miss Heath, &c. To-morrow evening, I am going to see old Mr. Quincy; he sent me word he should like to see me; the next evening, to the Sedgwicks in Cambridge. I have been somewhere almost every night.
Love to all.
Your loving Brother
Readville [BCF]
Feb. 25 1863Dear Father,
I forgot to mention yesterday that a man is entitled to $2.00 per head for sound recruits sent to camp. Â We have got our barracks all in order here, and can accommodate all the men that come now. I hope you will be able to send us some, before many days.
We have 40 here already and they look remarkably well in their uniforms. They are not of the best class of nigs—and if it weren’t for the want of state aid we should be able to get a much better set from the othet states. If you have any difficulty about making the arrangements I spoke of in my yesterday’s note, I wish you would let me know. Perhaps you can find a better man than Givens to do the work, and I think it would be well to get some white man who would interest himself in superintending the recruiting & take it off your hands. Doesn’t Mr. Gay know some one who would like a commission in the Regt & would be a good man to look after matters in N.Y.
Your loving son
R.G. S.