Boston [BCF]
February 21,1863
My dear Charley,
Your letter with enclosures reached me yesterday. I am much obliged to you for attending to those matters. Do I owe you anything? Please let me know as soon as possible. I think Johnson’s bill was a little more than I supposed. Perhaps you know by this time, that my engagement is out. I had a nice time for four days in New York as Miss H. was staying at my sister’s. Harry Russell looks more cheerful & happy than I ever saw him—and Miss Forbes likewise. They are about as devoted a couple as I ever saw. The darky concern is getting along very well. We are going into camp at Readeville. Sent 25 men out this morning & hope soon to have things entrain. The State House people give us every assistance in their power. The Somerset Club crowd are down on us, but nevertheless I had an invitation to go there whenever I wished. I hear there was a little row about it at first.
Please ask Coughlin, when he goes to Washington to get a package from Adams for me, and send it to 44 Beacon St., Boston. It is something which I should be very sorry to lose.
Henry Higginson has been here for a week. Give my love to Greely & if you see B. Adams tell him that I received his letter and that it gave me a great deal of pleasure. I suppose Brown & Fox are back by this time. Give my love to Tom Robeson & Grafton. Charley Horton & I dine with Bangs today en famille.
Good-bye my dear Charley. I hope you will enjoy your Provost Martial duties.
Affectionately Yours,
Robert G. Shaw
[1863-02-21]THE NEGRO TROOPS.